Report a security or privacy vulnerability

We at Verificient are committed to providing secure and transparent services to both our clients and end-users. As digital security threats continue to evolve, we are constantly looking for possible security vulnerabilities that might weaken our online risk posture. While our products and systems are developed and maintained around the highest quality standards, there may be instances where an issue might slip by. Hence, we welcome responsible reporting of potential security threats and bugs or any web-based security concerns that our team can promptly address.

To report a vulnerability, email us at and include the following, to the extent feasible.

  • Your email address so our security team can reach out to you for any questions.
  • A detailed description of the vulnerability and how it was discovered.
  • Screenshots of the vulnerability.
  • IP address or the URL of the affected system.
  • Clear and concise steps to reproduce the vulnerability.
  • Proof of concept testing.